Our Young Members lead the way

Become a GCP Young Member

GCP Young Members Programme provides opportunities for young adults to learn, grow and build positive futures.

If you’re aged between 16-30 years and live in or near Edinburgh, you can become a Young Member of The Grassmarket Community Project.

Become a Young Member

All ages are welcome at GCP, but we understand that our young people often have different needs, interests and experiences. GCP’s Young Members Programme helps you connect with peers, build core skills, expand your horizons and access supported volunteering employment opportunities.

Also, as members, you can access GCP’s Members Programme, a wide range of free, weekly activities, with the option of joining us for a free, two course lunch when you sign up. You don’t need to commit to any activity for any length of time. Instead, you can join activities when suits you best. Try something new with no strings attached, as we encourage you to branch out and grow in you own way!

There are lots of opportunities for our Young Members!


Every week day, a fantastic mix of classes to boost your practical and creative skills. Plus social events and a chance to catch up

GCP Learning Hub

ALL welcome. Do you want to earn an accredited qualification, learn new skills or work towards employment?

OOT THE BOX – Wednesdays 11am-1pm

ALL young people (16-30yrs) welcome. An informal, fun and welcoming way to boost your confidence and develop skills


Modern Apprenticeships and Pre-apprenticeships. Take your next step towards training, further education, work or volunteering

Work Experience Placements

Gain practical work experience over 6-8 weeks at THE good place to be.

Young Volunteer Opportunities

Are you under 30, passionate about helping others, and ready to make a difference in your community?

Help us do more.
Sponsor the Young Members Programme

Help transform lives directly by sponsoring a Young Members Activity

Your direct support helps ensure we continue to deliver our essential work to support Edinburgh’s most vulnerable adults.

We guarantee at least one of our Members Activities will be the perfect fit for you or your organisation, or both!

Let’s discuss which suits you best and how we can tailor the package and relationship. Join the best of company at THE good place to be.

oot the box - Grassmarket Young Members


The Grassmarket Community Project’s Young Members Programme relies on the generosity of our customers, funders and donors. Our key funders for this area of our work are Capital City Partnership, The Robertson Trust and Hub Community Foundation’s Building Brighter Futures Fund. We thank them for their essential continued support.

Capital City Sponsorship and The Grassmarket Community Project
Hub Community Foundation - Grassmarket Community Project
The Robertson Trust