Make and Mend – a ‘fun family’ of beginners and experienced sewers
Due to its popularity, the Make and Mend class currently runs twice on a Tuesday.
So whether you are experienced, a complete novice or whether you have a creative project in mind or just want to replace a missing button, sign up early and come along and join this fun and friendly class.
There are plenty of donated materials, different cottons and colours, buttons and threads to sparkle the imagination – or members can bring along their own clothes/materials to work with.
Members say that Make and Mend is fun and really helps their general well-being.
Discover more about this ever-popular GCP group.
The joy of Make and Mend
There’s an opportunity to learn new skills too, as Heather says,
‘You can try different things and learn new skills, like crocheting and last year I did quilting, cross stitch. If you mention it, I will give it a go.’
Members unanimously agree that the best thing about Make and Mend is that they get to have a good blether, especially at coffee time, or they can choose to sit quietly sewing on their own. Regular Natalie says,
‘I love Make and Mend, you have a laugh, it’s like a family really.’
Dynamic duo Liz and Amelia lead the way
A big reason for the success of the class is the ever calm, helpful and talented dynamic duo of Liz and Amelia.
Liz, who has led the class for three years has been sewing her whole life. She has also won an award for her volunteering with us.
Amelia has been her trusty sidekick for two and a half of those years. She is an inspiration herself as she only started sewing three ago and she can now help others less confident,
‘I know from experience that at the start sewing may not be good, but it’s all about giving it a go and enjoying creating pieces, there is nothing that can’t be unpicked if it doesn’t work.’
The format hasn’t changed for well over two years now. Amelia says,
‘The members like the consistency and the format works, its what they like.’
Everyone also leaves with the results of their hard work. Sometimes members work on a quick project finished in a day. Sometimes they have been working on intricate pieces for weeks in a range of media, like the beautiful embroidery of Shaun and Harry, the intricate felt work of Eileen, Natalie’s embroidered butterfly and Heather’s amazing patchwork quilt.
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Let’s discuss which suits you best and how we can tailor the package and relationship to your budget. Join the best of company at THE good place to be.
The Grassmarket Community Project’s Members Programme relies on the generosity of our customers, funders and donors. Our key funders for this area of our work are Nationwide Community Grants, The Robertson Trust and EVOC/Scottish Government Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund. We thank them for their essential continued support.