Fund and Sponsor GCP Member Activities

Sponsor GCP’s Core Programme

Help transform lives directly by sponsoring a Members Activity

Our Core Members Programme is the beating heart of what we do. Your direct support here helps ensure we continue to deliver our essential work to support the most vulnerable in our community.

Choose from reading and writing, to walking and swimming and from arts and crafts, to health and wellbeing, plus everything in between! Typically, each of our Members Activities cost £3000 a term to deliver. This provides 9 places per week for an activity running over 12 weeks.

We guarantee at least one of our Members Activities will be the perfect fit for your organisation. Let’s discuss which suits you best and how we can tailor the package and relationship to your budget.

Sponsor our Core Work

Your direct support of our essential Core Creative and Skills Groups and/or Young Members Activities will help ensure we meet the growing demand from our Members. As these areas of our work have the greatest positive impact, we can also ensure your profile as a sponsor will be optimised too.

Sponsor Core Creative Activities:
Make and Mend
Art Class

Make and Mend with The Grassmarlet Community Project

Every week our Members enjoy both our Make and Mend Group and our Art Class. These sessions are volunteer-led and often over-subscribed. Please help us boost the wellbeing of more our members by sponsoring these groups.

Sponsor Core Skills Activities:
Read and Write

reading and writing Grassmarket Community Project

Always at the heart of our programme, these essential sessions are also volunteer-led and often over-subscribed. Please help us boost the future prospects of more our members by sponsoring these groups.

Sponsor Young Members Activities:
Weekly activities and workshops
Training and apprenticeships

pre-apprenticeships with The Grassmarket Community Project

Young vulnerable adults are often the hardest to reach and therefore support. GCP continues to develop services and activities tailored to this group. Help transform the future life chances and prospects of young adults in your community.


As a Members Programme Sponsor, you’ll be in very good company and we will ensure, at least….

  • Your name and logo on our website, members activity programme, and annual report for the year
  • Thanked on social media with a regular promotion of your sponsorship
  • A report on engagement and successes of the activities & AGM invite
  • A facilitated visit for representatives to see our good work in action
  • An engraved brick on our Centre’s Celebration Wall
  • An invite for two to our annual City Evening event, with drinks reception and entertainment

Here’s a taster of our current Members Programme

As you can see, our Members Programme is full and varied. Which of our activities would be the best fit for your organisation to sponsor? Let’s discuss which suits you best and how we can tailor the package and relationship to your budget.

Join the best of company at The Grassmarket Community Project, the good place to be