Numeracy Group

Our Numeracy Group – getting to grips with numbers

‘Good numeracy is the best protection against unemployment, low wages and poor health.’ OECD

Numeracy is important. There is no doubt that improving numeracy benefits life outcomes, such as employment opportunities, better wages, positive financial behaviours, like paying bills, and even better physical health.

Numeracy group at Grassmarket Community Project

‘Approximately 50% of UK adults only have the numeracy expected of primary school children. Numeracy is having the confidence to use basic maths at work and in everyday life.’ National Numeracy

Numeracy with GCP

Improving numeracy can be good fun too, as those attending the popular GCP Numeracy Group every Friday will tell you.

Elisa says,

‘I have been coming for ages and like learning how to do numbers and it’s useful for understanding things like money’

and Peter says,

‘I enjoy the experience with numbers and having people there to help you out if you get stuck.’

Volunteer Kirsty took over the class this year and she is keen to help members with everyday numeracy skills,

‘The focus is practising addition and subtraction. We are also keen to help with day-to-day numeracy skills too. If anyone has specific problems, like understanding electricity bills or similar, we would be happy to help with that.’

Numeracy at Grassmarket Community Project

A wide range of skills

There is a wide range of skills in the class and, as Kirsty says,

‘We have taken a bit of time to understand individual needs. Everyone works at different levels but we try to support all members. We hope to cover such areas as currency conversions, percentages and maybe in the future fractions and volume and area.’

Anne and Connor support Kirsty in the class. Anne has been volunteering at GCP for approximately 4 years. She has helped out with IT, Benefit Advice and Open-Door meals and particularly enjoys the Numeracy class,

‘I like the community feel at GCP and the support it gives everyone. I am amazed at the enthusiasm for numeracy from the members on a Friday afternoon. Everyone works so hard.’

Connor is a fairly new volunteer to GCP. He is studying Psychology at the University of Edinburgh,

‘I realised, whilst doing my degree, that I want to work supporting other people and volunteering here gives me the opportunity to exercise that. I love the community spirit here. I expected it, but it’s difficult to really appreciate it until you are here working as part of the team.’

Members work for the first hour on worksheets tailored to their skill levels. There are also fun code breaking activities and numeric quizzes for all to try. After an hour, the class stops for a good chat over coffee and to rest their brains before finishing work by 4pm.

By the end of the session, everyone has a big smile and more confidence with numbers!

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The Grassmarket Community Project’s Members Programme relies on the generosity of our customers, funders and donors. Our key funders for this area of our work are Nationwide Community Grants, The Robertson Trust and EVOC/Scottish Government Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund. We thank them for their essential continued support.

Nationwide Building Society Community Grants
The Robertson Trust
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