GCP Theory of Change and Approach

GCP theory of change and approach

Our Theory of Change and Approach

Grassmarket Community Project is a community of individuals who deliver emotional support, services, classes, activities, practical support and enterprising opportunities by taking a strengths-based approach (or in community terms, an Asset Based Community Development approach).

We access the skills, expertise and lived experience of our Members. We recognise and form partnerships with agencies, businesses and professionals who share our values.

Our staff and volunteer team comprise a compassionate multi-disciplinary team of craftspeople, technicians, social workers, community adult educators, social entrepreneurs and community workers. Our GCP Theory of change is therefore best understood using the core principles of Social Pedagogy  a needs led approach incorporating non directive leadership, a whole person client centred approach and the use of non-violent communication.

We understand that by creating a trauma (ACE’s) informed environment with a commitment to equality, anti-oppressive practice and social inclusion and by providing a range of practical, creative, physical, enterprising and therapeutic activities in a nourishing group setting people will live rich fulfilling healthy lives, achieve their goals and our community and wider society will be safer, fairer and more inclusive.

Core intended social impact outcomes

  1. To create an inclusive community for all individuals facing social exclusion by lack of opportunity, skills and aspiration, where they can achieve greater self-esteem, improved employment skills and a purpose in life.
  2. To create an inclusive community where individuals can, through membership and volunteering, contribute to the wellbeing of those facing social exclusion.
  3. To manage and sustain the building which provides the home for the Grassmarket Community Project, moving the project towards self-sufficiency through social enterprise.
  4. To maintain and sustain the Grassmarket Community Project as a partnership comprising Greyfriars Kirk, the Grassmarket Mission, statutory and voluntary agencies, local businesses and residents.

Our Social Impact Framework applies a range of measures and evaluation tools to assess our social impact against our intended outcomes and according to best practice in the charity and social enterprise sector. Using a mixture of self-reporting, observations, extensive and detailed interviews, the Edinburgh-Coventry-Well-being scale and statistical data based on attendance information and our Members profile on arrival to the project we produce and publish an impact report annually.