Volunteer Stories: Meet Mustapha

Mustapha - GCP Volunteer

Meet Mustapha

Mustapha moved to Edinburgh around lockdown to take up a position as an academic, having had successful careers as a Medical Doctor and then a microbiologist in France, London and Leicester.

Now a self-employed tutor, Mustapha is able to dedicate some of his time to volunteering. He also loves wood carving, lucky for us! Since November 2022, he has become an indispensable volunteer at the GCP’s Woodwork Group,

‘What attracted me to the Grassmarket was the amount of good people here. I am glad to fill in the gaps and help member learning.’

Originally from Algeria, Mustapha has always loved wood carving. When he was very young his mother had to buy separate soap for him to carve. At the age of 6, she sent him to help in his uncle’s wood workshop after school so that the family did not run out of soap!

Mustapha tells us more about why he enjoys volunteering,

‘I love it, it’s hard to express. I enjoy myself here and if I wasn’t working, I would come in every day! I actually think it helps me more than I help others, but I hope I am helping others too.’

We are so grateful to Mustapha, he is a great volunteer 🙂

Wood Workshop Social Enterprise - Grassmarket Community Project

Volunteer with us

We would not be able to deliver the amazing support and services we provide to vulnerable people and social enterprise customers without our fantastic volunteers.

Become a Member

There are lots of opportunities for individuals to participate and join in! Everyone is welcome. 


The Grassmarket Community Project’s Members Programme relies on the generosity of our customers, funders and donors. Our key funders for this area of our work are Nationwide Community Grants, The Robertson Trust and EVOC/Scottish Government Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund. We thank them for their essential continued support.

Nationwide Building Society Community Grants
The Robertson Trust
EVOC logo
ScotGov Logo
The National Lottery Community Fund - The Grassmarket Community Project

The Grassmarket Community Project’s Volunteer Programme also relies on the generosity of our customers, funders and donors. Our main funder for this area of our work is The Big Lottery Changing Lives programme and we thank them for their essential continued support.