Summer Showcase 2024

Summer Showcase 2024

Join us for our Summer Showcase

Thu 18 Jul 4-6pm at the Grassmarket Centre

Join us for our Summer Showcase, as we open the doors of this beautiful building to celebrate the creativity and diversity of our community.

Chat to our Members AND find out about our award-winning Social Enterprises. Meet some of our inspiring partners and learn about our trailblazing collaborations.

The Grassmarket Community Project is a community of over 500 people, working together to support positive changes in one another’s lives.

Please come to celebrate, learn about our work and leave inspired about how you might be able to support the community in continuing to provide opportunities, activities and support to the people of Edinburgh and beyond.

celebrating what we do at our summer showcase
music and more at our summer showcase
performances at our summer showcase
showcasing our social enterprises summer showcase
Fund and Sponsor GCP Member Activities

How to support GCP

Please help us to keep providing support and opportunities to vulnerable people. There are various ways you can support our community. You can donate, fund or sponsor, support our social enterprises and volunteer.

Donate >>   
Fund and Sponsor >>

Support our Social Enterprises

Wood Workshop >>
Tartan Shop >>
Event Hire Service >>
Visit Coffee Saints >>

AND follow, like and share on our Socials