Fundraising and Sponsoring our Activities

Fundraise for Us!

Fundraising is an amazing tool to raise money and to spread awareness of our work whilst connecting you with your friends, family, and workplace by doing something fun and creative. Anyone can be a fundraiser and we challenge you to get creative – from bungee jumping to bake sales, whether it is an opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone or an excuse for an evening of wine and cheese, GCP is excited to support and be part of your fundraising journey. You can find out how to fundraise through our Fundraising Guide, and for more fundraising ideas check out our A-Z Fundraising Ideas.

Fundraising Guide | Sponsorship Form | A-Z Fundraising

Join the Kiltwalk

We invite you to join us for one of our biggest fundraising events- Edinburgh’s Kiltwalk. All donations are topped up by 50% thanks to the generosity of Sir Tom Hunter and The Hunter Foundation- this means for every £100 you raise we will receive £150.

Not only is this an amazing opportunity to raise money for a good cause but it is also a fun day out- each walker will receive a free GCP Kiltwalk T-shirt, a meal on us, and continual cheering support from the GCP community along the route.

PLUS… If you manage to raise £1,000 (before the 50% bonus has been added) we will gift you your own made to measure kilt in our Greyfriars Tartan which you can wear on the day and keep forever as a token of our gratitude!

Sign up through the Kiltwalk website:, or email [email protected] for more information

Save a Seat

Our Members’ Activity Programme runs 29 activities over 48 weeks per year, creating 261 weekly places for Edinburgh’s most vulnerable and isolated to learn, engage and befriend. A place for one day at our Organisation (includes two activities and one hot meal) costs us £25 per person. By committing to a regular monthly donation of £100 you can become a GCP Seat Saver.

By ‘saving a seat’ for one day per month you can ensure that one vulnerable adult can regularly access our high-quality services and become part of our community. You will also receive:

  • A Personal thank you card from our members and volunteers
  • Thanked in our website and Annual Report
  • An engraved brick on our Celebration Wall
  • A report on engagement and successes of the activities & AGM invite
  • A facilitated visit for individuals or representatives to see our good work in action

For more information please read our How to Support Grassmarket Community Project Information Pack and email [email protected].

Sponsor Our Activities

We would be delighted if you, your organisation, firm, or social group would like to raise this money to partner with one of the ongoing activities of your choice for £3,000. This will provide 9 places per week for an activity running over 48 weeks, with a qualified specialist tutor and opportunities for day trips and excursions.

Not only will you provide a place for regular learning, growth and community but you will also receive:

  • Your name and logo on our website, members activity programme, and annual report for the year
  • Thanked on social media with a regular promotion of your sponsorship
  • A report on engagement and successes of the activities & AGM invite
  • A facilitated visit for representatives to see our good work in action
  • An engraved brick on our Centre’s Celebration Wall
  • An invite for two to our annual City Evening event, with drinks reception and entertainment

For more information please read our How to Support Grassmarket Community Project Information Pack and email [email protected].