GCP Super Fans – HSBC

GCP’s Super Fans to the rescue!

Earlier this year, HSBC came to GCP’s rescue when our kitchen extraction system broke down.

Food provision lies at the heart of what we do. Without a functioning extraction system, GCP would have had to close all kitchen operations, so wouldn’t be able to feed the many people we support through our social mission.

HSBC - GCP Super fan

GCP needed help and this is why

Over the summer, GCP’s kitchen extractor fan at the Grassmarket Centre experienced a motor failure and had to be replaced. This would have been devastating, as GCP does not have the funds for such a capital expense. Without funding for this crucial piece of equipment, GCP’s capacity to have a positive impact on the lives of those we support was at risk.

This was a real issue for all of the people who rely on GCP including:

  • over 170 vulnerable people per week who rely on our Open Door Meals for a free well-balance meal. This service welcomes everyone, including those experiencing homelessness or rough sleeping
  • over 400 GCP members who are invited to enjoy a free hot meal when they come along to our daily Members Programme
  • our Coffee Saints Café and Hospitality social enterprises who generate essential income to support GCP and provide training and opportunities for vulnerable individuals
HSBC logo

HSBC to the rescue

GCP friends and Super Fans at HSBC came to the rescue and covered all the costs for replacement and installation of our new super fan extraction system.

We are hugely grateful to the HSBC team who continue to support our essential work. Over the years, we have built a true reciprocal partnership through GCP’s fantastic corporate volunteering programme.

More about Food and GCP

Grassmarket Community Project is an inclusive person-centred environment where people feel empowered to develop skills, build positive relationships and enjoy an ongoing sense of belonging. Our kitchen is at the heart of this, as food is the essential connector, bringing some of the most vulnerable in Edinburgh together.

Whether it is a hot 2-course meal, which for many is their own meal of the day, or cake and a cuppa during activities, the food we provide is in the spirit of togetherness when we are dealing with deep-seated social issues.

Open Door meal

Last year, GCP provided 1,648 free meals and 9,754 lunches to those in dire need.

Our work is not just about addressing immediate needs; it’s about instilling hope, fostering positive experiences, and building a community where every individual feels valued and supported.

Our kitchen offers valuable opportunities for our members to engage in skills development and work placements. In 2022, we delivered 4,597 hours paid, supported-work experience and training, and enabled 39 people to move into positive destinations.

A window into our work

In addition to offering valuable opportunities for work, the profit generated through our catering services is reinvested back into our charitable aims.

GCP’s food-led social enterprises are the ‘window’ into our work with some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people and communities.

Our customers tell us they support our social enterprises as they feel their money has real social value, whilst giving them a fantastic food experience!

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GCP really does change lives, and this funding is vital in enabling us to continue our transformative work long into the future.

Our wonderful, mutually beneficial relationship with HSBC is developing all the time, as we share ideas and understanding of each other’s needs.


Whichever way you choose to support us, we will make sure your relationship with us is the best fit for you and your organisation. We’re the good place to be and you will be in very good company!